Truth is all people are insecure about something,
With or without love the heart is never satisfied,
Buying that thing you always wanted is going to be replaced,
Hurt feelings can be apologized for but you'll always end up crying,
That great touch you receive from a person who just doesn't quite get your affection,
Conversations that seemed so real only to find out that your words were ignored,
Going to all these different places to meet new people when deep inside he/she is RIGHT THERE,
Hiding the real YOU because you're frightened of what people may think,
Smiling when you really want to be !SHOUTING!,
Gaining friendships with people whom you don't share anything with to avoid loneliness,
Seeking advice from friends when you already know the obvious answer,
Saying things that are lies only to be uncovered to save their hurt,
Reaching for that promotion and getting it but then AGAIN bored,
Having all the money in the world but taking it for granted by not giving back,
Abusing and mistreating your children when you're the only one they trust and know,
This world can be somewhat distraught where I'm at but while you're here give it all YOU really got!!!